Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bindary - Binary Wrist Watch


The Bindary wrist watch is meant to be an easy, do-it-yourself project which allows users to build a novel wrist watch with basic functionality. This serve as a side project during Summer 2012 while I am taking math classes and would rather be working with CS and electronics.

Feature and Requirements

The Bindary watch will implement the following functionality:
  • Settable time including {second, minute, hour, day, month}
  • Auto-adjusting brightness with programmable override brightness
  • Toggle 12-hour and 24-hour time format
  • Toggle binary and scroll mode
  • Scroll Mode
    • Programmable scroll speed


Estimated Parts Cost: $14.00


SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface. 4-wire serial communication.


The following state machine represents the state transitions which will allow the defined functionality an user input. TODO: Add state for setting brightness.

While setting values the corresponding columns will be blinking. While setting brightness, the whole display will blink. While setting "Scroll/Binary" a large "S" or large "B" will be displayed. While setting the speed of scroll mode, the time will read "00:00am 00/00"


Note that a recent change has "DAY" representing the day of the month. This now requires 5 bits rather than 3 bits to represent days of the week. Therefore the "spinner" will be replaced by a "flashing" top row.

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